‌Cento Light

CentoLight is an all-Italian brand


CentoLight는 엔터테인먼트 조명 및 건축 설치 분야에서 수십 년 동안 운영해 온 사람들의 열정과 경험을 바탕으로 디자인된 제품을 국제 시장에 제공하는 이탈리아 브랜드입니다.

​CentoLight is an all-Italian brand that offers to international market products designed with the passion and experience of those who have been operating for decades in the Entertainment Lighting and Architectural Installation segments. 
Following the latest technologies and trends, care in details and functionality are some of the main ingredients in high-value products targeted to the respective markets.
CentoLight is part of FRENEXPORT, a parent company active since 1976 in the distribution of musical instruments, audio products and professional lights. Starting from the long experience and know-how of this historic company, CentoLight leverages on its solid foundations and skilled technicians creates the products to help light-designers and show-business professionals in shaping their creations.

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